1.1 本协议中的服务是指我司通过DevLogCloud官方网站上提供的云服务器服务以及相关的技术及网络支持服务。
2.1 一切费用以我司在官方网站公布价格为准,涉及金额一律以美元为结算单位。
2.2 我司支持支付后24小时内,流量使用小于10G原路退款。
2.3 客户需预付费用,到期后服务自动终止、删除。
3.1 请客户务必仔细阅读、充分理解本服务协议的各条款内容,特别是限制和免责,违规违约行为的认定处理,以及法律条款等。
3.2 客户可通过签字盖章、网络页面点击确认或以其他方式选择接受本服务协议,且一旦客户使用了我司提供的服务,即表示客户同意接受本服务协议的全部约定内容。
4.1 我司遵循中国香港法律提供服务,客户在接受我司服务必须遵循香港法律、客户人身所在地法律、服务器所在地法律。
4.2 我司拒绝为任何违法犯罪提供服务,我司根据执法机构的合法要求向执法机构披露任何客户信息、中止客户违法犯罪行为,而无需进一步同意或通知客户。
5.1 我司理解并认可,您通过我司提供的服务,加工、存储、上传、下载、分发以及通过其他方式处理的数据,均为您的用户业务数据,您完全拥有您的用户业务数据。
5.2 除非在我们提供的服务中指定,否则客户对服务的使用由客户自行承担风险。我司不对客户帐户中的文件、数据负责。
5.3 客户同意对传输的文件和数据承担全部责任,并维护存储在我司服务器上的文件和数据的所有适当备份。
5.4 如遇任何自然灾害、不可抗力,进而造成损失,我司对此部分损失不做赔偿。
5.5 客户在使用服务过程中产生的法律问题由客户自行承担责任。
6.1 我司应当依据上述条款以及产品页面的描述提供服务。
6.2 我司应当依照本协议约定,在服务期限内向您提供服务和售后支持。
6.3 我司对垃圾邮件、DMCA等采取零容忍,客户对此表示理解,并且客户对自己的行为导致的遭遇投诉、罚款等需要客户承担责任、缴纳罚款,否则我司有权暂停账户、中止所有服务。
6.4 对于我方未承若服务我司不承担任何义务。
6.5 客户应遵守此文所述的义务,客户有权利依法维护自己的权利。
7.1 我司保留修改服务条款之权利,恕不另行通知。
7.2 我司保留上述未尽事宜之解释权力。
Thank you for choosing DevLogCloud's service.
This service agreement is a valid contract between [service provider] DevLogCloud (hereinafter referred to as "our company") and [service recipient] customer (hereinafter referred to as "customer") regarding server service-related matters.
1.1 The services in this agreement refer to the cloud server services and related technical and network support services provided by our company through the DevLogCloud official website.
2.1 All fees are subject to the price published by our company on the official website, and all amounts involved are settled in USD.
2.2 Our company supports the refund of the original route within 24 hours after payment if the data usage is less than 10G.
2.3 Customers need to pay in advance, and the service will be automatically terminated and deleted after the expiration.
3.1 Customers are requested to carefully read and fully understand the terms and conditions of this service agreement, especially the limitations and disclaimers, the identification and handling of violations, and legal provisions.
3.2 Customers can choose to accept this service agreement by signing and stamping, clicking confirmation on the web page, or in other ways, and once the customer uses the services provided by our company, it means that the customer agrees to accept all the agreed content of this service agreement.
4.1 Our company provides services in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong, China. When accepting our services, customers must abide by the laws of Hong Kong, the laws of the customer's personal location, and the laws of the server location.
4.2 Our company refuses to provide services for any illegal crimes. Our company discloses any customer information to law enforcement agencies and suspends customers' illegal and criminal activities according to the legal requirements of law enforcement agencies without further consent or notification to customers.
5.1 Our company understands and recognizes that the data you process, store, upload, download, distribute and otherwise process through the services provided by our company are all your user business data, and you fully own your user business data.
5.2 Unless specified in the Services we provide, Customer's use of the Services is at Customer's own risk. Our company is not responsible for the files and data in the customer's account.
5.3 Customer agrees to be solely responsible for the files and data transmitted and to maintain all appropriate backups of files and data stored on our servers.
5.4 In case of any natural disasters or force majeure, resulting in loss, our company will not compensate for this part of the loss.
5.5 The legal issues arising from the use of the service by the customer shall be borne by the customer himself.
6.1 Our company shall provide services in accordance with the above terms and the description on the product page.
6.2 Our company shall provide you with services and after-sales support within the service period in accordance with this agreement.
6.3 Our company adopts zero tolerance for spam, DMCA, etc. Customers understand this, and customers need to take responsibility and pay fines for complaints and fines caused by their actions, otherwise our company has the right to suspend accounts and suspend all services .
6.4 Our company does not assume any obligation for our failure to undertake the service.
6.5 Customers should abide by the obligations described in this article, and customers have the right to protect their rights according to law.
7.1 Our company reserves the right to modify the terms of service without prior notice.
7.2 Our company reserves the right to interpret the above matters not covered.